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IRTOUCH Systems Co., Ltd. (IRTOUCH) is a leading infrared touchscreen manufacturer headquartered in Beijing. IRTOUCH focuses on infrared touch technology innovation and manufacturing reliable, high performance and cost effective infrared touch solutions to serve demanding applications in diverse industries including but not limited to industrial control, POS, gaming, medical and financial sectors.
Designed to fit most flat panel displays from 6.4" to 100"+ in size, with standard or custom design, IRTOUCH touch screen brings superior performance for demanding applications with optical clarity, fast response time, high accuracy, scratch resistance, vandal-proof, low maintenance, and reliable operation under a variety of conditions: moisture, dirt, sunlight, indoors and outdoor rugged environments. IRTOUCH's reintroduced infrared touch product has been accepted and acknowledged in Asia, Europe and North America markets.
IRTOUCH enforces strict quality control to ensure complete customer satisfaction. IRTOUCH's manufacturing process meets ISO9001 (2000) quality assurance standards. With the granted certifications including CE, FCC and IP67, IRTOUCH is committed to offer superior quality, timely delivery and complete project support to customers and partners.
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