Lav pris via Factory-Direct
Arbejd direkte med elektronikfabrikken for at afskære mellemmanden. Ny original med lav og rabatpris
Sikker & Kvalitet Pålidelighed
Kvalitetsforsikringssystem for fremragende produktkvalitet. Til tiden, hver gang levering af kvalitetskomponenter.
Over 15 millioner varebeholdninger
100+ Top berømte globale producent, over 15 millioner varebeholdninger. Lager tilgængelig, som support til at købe direkte med rabatpris.
Kundevenlig service
One stop-løsning tilpasset dine unikke krav. Support på 12 sprog hjemmeside, mere bekvemmelighed og hurtige tjenester.
GP Systems GmbH is an industrial automation manufacturer that specializes on the hardware and software for automation of continuous and/or fast processes. A vendor with deep expertise in control systems, in combining multiple systems to operate together and to provide 24/7/365 operation of the equipment. Every system and solution proposed is thought through the prism of this expertise. Complete in-house production. All the devices are manufactured in an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified factory, with burn-in tests of all the modules for at least 48 hours.
53318 Produkter