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Founded in 1985, Marktech Optoelectronics, Inc. is a U.S. veteran-owned (VOSB-certified) leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom optoelectronics components and assemblies, including UV, visible, near-infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) emitters, photodetectors, InP epiwafers, and other materials.
From its Latham, New York-based corporate headquarters and worldwide R&D center, Marktech has built a strong industry pedigree for engineering excellence. The company’s unique core competencies are rooted in optoelectronics design, manufacturing, and testing, along with its proven capabilities to produce custom LEDs, photodetectors, emitters, and related assemblies in virtually any quantity.
Marktech’s full range of standard photodiodes, photodetectors, and LED emitters may be supplied as either a series of separate, stand-alone components, or seamlessly combined into a single mechanically and spectrally matched package, such as a reflective switch. Most custom and hybrid designs from Marktech are available in as few as 6-8 weeks from the point of customer prototype approvals and may be produced in quantities ranging from prototype to OEM volumes.
The company’s global engineering team has the necessary full in-house capabilities to perform complete electrical and optical characteristics testing, as well as end-to-end examinations of all optical components from die level to finished product designs. Marktech is also a Cree Solution Provider (CSP) for high-brightness LEDs and materials, as well as a member of AIM Photonics.
Marktech products are routinely specified within a diverse array of applications and market sectors, including aerospace, analytical equipment, automotive, colorimeters, fluorescence, industrial automation, in-laboratory R&D, medical, optical encoders, photometers, robotics, optical range finders, sensors, spectroscopy equipment, wearables, telecommunications, university research, and others.