Lav pris via Factory-Direct
Arbejd direkte med elektronikfabrikken for at afskære mellemmanden. Ny original med lav og rabatpris
Sikker & Kvalitet Pålidelighed
Kvalitetsforsikringssystem for fremragende produktkvalitet. Til tiden, hver gang levering af kvalitetskomponenter.
Over 15 millioner varebeholdninger
100+ Top berømte globale producent, over 15 millioner varebeholdninger. Lager tilgængelig, som support til at købe direkte med rabatpris.
Kundevenlig service
One stop-løsning tilpasset dine unikke krav. Support på 12 sprog hjemmeside, mere bekvemmelighed og hurtige tjenester.
Mitsubishi Materials U.S.A. Corporation (MMUS) was founded in 1984 with a charter to provide solutions in manufacturing process technologies to leading manufacturing companies in North America. Mitsubishi Materials’ name has an instant brand recognition as being a leader in technology, quality, product offering; having talented employees; and as a partner with leading manufacturers in diverse industries. Mitsubishi Materials’ success is embedded with the belief that a commitment to a professional business environment, team effort and talents from diverse cultural background formulate the unique organizational culture the company offers. Mitsubishi Materials focuses on providing solutions in manufacturing process technologies. Our products are application-specific for customers’ processes. In-depth engineering and superior customer satisfaction are components of products we deliver to our customers.
97668 Produkter
215694 Produkter
138916 Produkter