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Sikker & Kvalitet Pålidelighed
Kvalitetsforsikringssystem for fremragende produktkvalitet. Til tiden, hver gang levering af kvalitetskomponenter.
Over 15 millioner varebeholdninger
100+ Top berømte globale producent, over 15 millioner varebeholdninger. Lager tilgængelig, som support til at købe direkte med rabatpris.
Kundevenlig service
One stop-løsning tilpasset dine unikke krav. Support på 12 sprog hjemmeside, mere bekvemmelighed og hurtige tjenester.
The leader of mini color LCD applications, OWON Technology Lilliput Electronics was established in the early 90’s. Today they are the bestselling Chinese brand of mini LCD applications in many areas. OWON Technology Lilliput Electronics promotes “innovation, quality, service and harmony” as the tenet of their business culture. Believing innovation and technology are two of the most important factors in having a competitive advantage, OWON Technology Lilliput Electronics reinvests approximately one-third of their total profit back into their R&D department. OWON Technology Lilliput Electronics has developed their own Optoelectronics Technology Institute with more than 30 experts in a variety of areas, rather than outsourcing its R&D. Customer satisfaction by providing excellent products and services is how OWON Technology Lilliput Electronics shows their total commitment.
19469 Produkter
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