Lav pris via Factory-Direct
Arbejd direkte med elektronikfabrikken for at afskære mellemmanden. Ny original med lav og rabatpris
Sikker & Kvalitet Pålidelighed
Kvalitetsforsikringssystem for fremragende produktkvalitet. Til tiden, hver gang levering af kvalitetskomponenter.
Over 15 millioner varebeholdninger
100+ Top berømte globale producent, over 15 millioner varebeholdninger. Lager tilgængelig, som support til at købe direkte med rabatpris.
Kundevenlig service
One stop-løsning tilpasset dine unikke krav. Support på 12 sprog hjemmeside, mere bekvemmelighed og hurtige tjenester.
With more than 50 years of experience in the field of acoustics and loudspeaker technology and a future-oriented engagement in research and development as well as a high-quality standard of production, VISATON is a specialized and worldwide successfully operating German loudspeaker manufacturer. With solid know-how and high-tech laboratories equipped with the latest measurement equipment for acoustical research and development, they are able to competently and reliably solve any problem in the field of electroacoustics. In addition to the high-tech labs, VISATON‘s anechoic chamber, one of the largest in the international loudspeaker scene with its dimensions of 7 x 7 x 7 meters, plays an important role in their success.
985608 Produkter
1375642 Produkter
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11853 Produkter
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